Chadly Marouane,
Andre Ebert
Abstract: Mobile tagging became more and more popular in commercials, magazines, newspapers, and other applications during the last years.
In context of commercials, a bar code containing the advertisers internet address is often used to refer a customer to related online content.
Due to their robustness as well as their comparably high fault-tolerance in case of low quality pictures, QR-Code systems are commonly used for that task.
Connected to that topic we present a special procedure for mobile tagging, which uses a distinct logo or image in order to refer to certain information instead of a QR-Code.
Our procedure was optimized to work with a conventional smartphone — the only prerequisite for usage is the possession of a smartphone capable of capturing and analyzing the different logos with our smartphone application.
To match the logos with related information and to determine their uniqueness we introduce a new similarity measure on basis of SURF feature points and a contour comparison.
Konferenz: 7th EAI International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services